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Chapter 11: Missionary Life


I hope you’re starting to get the picture of how every human upon Earth is right, which makes every one of us wrong. I hope you might one day understand that sometimes what you might think is good and right, another might think is bad and wrong.

What Grandpa knows, and is trying his best to explain to you, might be hard for you to understand and accept sometimes. You have been brought up in this world and taught the way the world wants you to believe. “Christopher knows some things” that might not be what you have been taught and have had inculcated* in your mind from the time you were a little child.

*Refer to a preceding chapter about this important word concerning your upbringing.

I can promise you that what I know is the Real Truth™—the only Real Truth™. There is no other. The Real Truth™ is that you will also know what Grandpa knows (the Real Truth™) immediately after you die. Yep, when you die, your pre-mortal Self (who you were before you were born) will awaken from the dream of mortal life you have been living.

Your post-mortal Self is who you will be when you die. It is the exact same person you were before you were born. Upon dying, your post-mortal Self will immediately recognize that your entire mortal existence was nothing more than an experience that occurred in your brain.

Remember, the brain you had before you connected to a mortal infant’s body (when you were born) is the same brain you will continue to have after you disconnect from the mortally-aged body (when you die). This mortal body is what you presently recognize as the only YOU that exists.

You can fight this all you want, but it will never change the Real Truth™—things as they really were in the past, as they really are in the present, and as they really will be in the future.

There is another option that some of you might be considering—mortality completely ends upon death. You may think there is no pre-mortal life and no post-mortal life. If you think this way, you’d be closer to the Real Truth™ than some. There are people who believe that who they are now (as a mortal) is who they have always been and will always be, both before this life and after.

Let me explain why so many people believe that who Grandpa Christopher was before he was born on December 2, 1961, is the same person he will be once Grandpa Christopher’s body ages and eventually dies. This is important for you to understand.

First, whenever you are considering Real Truth™, reflect back on the advice I gave you about accepting anything as Real Truth™—things as they really are. If you cannot see it, smell it, hear it, taste it, or touch it, don’t even think about it, because it can’t be real.

If you want to be safe in knowing Real Truth™, you must always base your conclusions on empirical evidence. This is best defined as a conclusion based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

Empirical evidence is the litmus test for Real Truth™. A litmus test represents an effective and definite way of proving it or measuring something. ALWAYS use empirical evidence as your litmus test for knowing the difference between Real Truth™ and theory or pure logic (i.e., belief). Do not trust any theory. Do not trust your own logic.

It is very logical to my LDS/Mormon family that Families Are Forever—the LDS/Mormon catch phrase (a thing that catches people’s attention and makes them want to know more). Many scientists hold strong to the theory of evolution and the Big Bang. These seem logical to them. If, however, we apply the litmus test for Real Truth™ to the idea of families being forever, and to the ideas of evolution and a Big Bang that created the universe, the logic fails miserably.

I’ve touched upon evolution and the Big Bang in preceding chapters and will get back to them later. Let’s talk about “eternal families” for a moment. Nothing that you can see, hear, smell, taste, or touch proves that families are forever—and thank the Real Truth™ for that!

How would like to belong to your particular family forever? How would you like your dad to be your eternal patriarch and the head of your eternal family? Most people wouldn’t like that. And what about all those divorces … all those two-parent families? What does empirical evidence say about these?

Hey Cory! Your daughter, Sarah, along with all those celestial grandbabies she had for your eternal family, do not belong to your priesthood line of authority. They belong to Sarah’s husband’s priesthood line.

Let’s say all your daughters were righteous LDS/Mormons and had righteous LDS/Mormon priesthood-holding husbands. And let’s say that your righteous priesthood-holding son-in-laws were part of their own father’s eternal family and priesthood line. According to LDS/Mormon doctrine, children born within a priesthood line belong to that family. Where does that leave your descendants in the eternities? Oh, you have your only son, Cory David, Jr., to guarantee your family line, right? I know, I know … the Lord will work all these kinks out in heaven. Alrighty then.

Besides this illogical and unempirical belief, religious people accepting the idea of a premortal life have another very important kink to straighten out:

Let’s assume God created your premortal Self, making you a spirit child of God. If that is true, then YOU must have had some sort of body or you couldn’t have had a brain. Then, you couldn’t have existed. So, you’re created in God’s image as one of His spirit children in a preexistence. You must have looked like a human, or at least like your heavenly parents, right?

If all of this is true, you existed before you were born (preexistence). It only makes sense that, whatever you were and whomever you were before you existed, must be the same person you will be after you die. But the question remains,

How can one pre-exist before one’s existence? If one didn’t exist before one’s pre-existence and exists after the existence in which the one existed previously, what is this existence? Does this make any sense to you? But anyways …

Cory, you believe that your God-created, preexistent spirit body entered Cory’s body in 1960, right? Isn’t this the same God-created, preexistent spirit body that will leave Cory’s body when you die?

I know … these are mysteries that you pay 10% of your wages to not have to answer. You pay those whom you believe know these answers so that you don’t have the personal responsibility of finding them out for yourself.

Cory, that’s why you hate me so much, huh? Because I make sense, much more sense, than those from whom you receive your self-worth and value.

If I am right, then everything you value about yourself, about your religion, and your eternal family is valueless. Then who are you? Who is the REAL YOU?

I’ve always wondered what my dad, Gloria, Cory, and my other LDS/Mormon family members might be like if they were non-religious. I have no doubt that if they were non-religious, they would have never treated me the way they did because they are religious.

As Grandpa explained, however, they had to treat me the way that they did. They had to be angry at me and fight the idea that their lifelong religious beliefs could be wrong. People get angry when they don’t have a good comeback or appear to be less intelligent than the one with whom they become angry. Anger is a way that a person can hide self-doubt and low self-esteem. The physical expression of anger can dominate their emotions.

I called my brother Cory in March of 1990, shortly after our father tried to get me arrested in Snohomish, Washington. I sincerely wanted to know what all that was about. Cory’s response was, “You’re a false prophet!”

Yeah, really!

Now, I want you to consider something here. I do not in any way present the above to mock Cory. I’m only trying to explain why people hate and treat others badly. I know the REAL Cory. I only wish he did too.

Here is a picture of me and my granddaughter Aydyn. This picture was taken on September 3, 2016, a few minutes before we joined the rest of the Nemelka family at my dad and Gloria’s 50th wedding anniversary.

At the time, Cory weighed well towards 300 lbs., was balding and did not look healthy. We are only 1 year apart. The difference between how Cory’s physical body looked and how mine did was very noticeable. I am not pointing this out to aggrandize myself or to make Cory look bad. I’m using this as an example of what makes people hate others, or rather, feel uncomfortable in another’s presence.

People feel uncomfortable when they do not believe they are as good as another. When people less than others, they tend to find things about others that support their feelings that they are just as good.

Women might say something about another woman who they know looks pretty good in a dress, “Look at that woman wearing the tight dress! She’s probably slept with every man in town!”

I was my usual self at the wedding anniversary—gregarious, outgoing, and personable to all. I went up to Cory and gave him a hug, although we hadn’t spoken in many years. I also went from table to table, greeting family members and many of Dad’s and Gloria’s friends of the past 50 years.

There I was, the False Prophet, working the room, not to preaching anything to anyone. My intent was to truly show all those present that I was sincerely glad to see them and appreciated them coming to celebrate our parent’s wedding anniversary.

I can’t imagine how Cory perceived me that day. It is reasonable to assume, however, the only way that he could perceive me was to convince himself that he was right with God and that I was not.

In the next chapter, I will attempt to explain why this happens in our mortal minds—why we put others down to raise ourselves up and why it is a normal and acceptable thought process.

For now, I will explain it this way:

This self-protection is a normal reaction of our mortal brain responding to the feeling of inequality and self-loathing. This feeling that arises involuntarily. It is one of those random thoughts that pops into our head.

Being mean to others is normal, justified, and is perfectly in line with the reality of who we are and why we exist. Being mean is something that few of us can avoid. “Being mean” is when we do something to or think something about another person whom we want to demean, so that we feel good about ourselves. If everyone were okay with who they are, no one would be mean. There would be no reason to be mean. Random mean thoughts would not pop into our head.

I bet if one were to ask Barry Bright or Harry “the Hulk” Quinonez why they wanted to beat me up in high school, they’d probably respond something similar to, “Chris thought he was all that and a bag of potato chips!”

Kids want to fight other kids when they feel that their presence around their peers isn’t as important or valued as much as the one they want to fight. Kids feel that, if they can fight another kid and whip him, this will prove their value and worth.

I was the new kid in town, tanned from the San Diego sun, and an athlete. From my fellow students’ perception and perspective, I came in and took over the school, thinking I was hot stuff. My presence devalued their presence and everything these kids (who had grown up together at West High) felt was theirs to own. And if anyone’s girlfriend thought I was cute … oh my! Beating my face in a bit might make me a little bit less cute.

Little did these boys know then that I was praying to my Heavenly Father to let me quit going to school. I didn’t want to fight. I didn’t want to be hated. I didn’t see myself as anything special, in the least.

If I had only known then what I know now. I would have understood why it was important for me to go through those experiences. I needed to be hated and threatened. I needed these experiences in order to prepare me to fulfill my role as a True Messenger.

A lot of people want to fight me now. A lot of people hate me. A lot of people want to kill me. And if the people with whom I deal with on a daily basis while I am living in Europe knew who I was, they would hate me too.

I mainly deal with people who are marginalized and not very successful in life. If these knew my views on religion, especially the popular Catholic Church headquartered in Rome, I would be killed. The Italians will never discover who I am. To the Italian people, I am a long-haired, bearded, smiley, very nice man who looks a lot like Jesus would look as an older man … But anyways.

Italians are some of the proudest people on Earth and also some of the most religious. Italy is the birth place of Christianity. Italy was once the greatest nation on Earth when the Great Roman Empire ruled the world. Italy sided with Germany and Japan during World War II. The Italians lost that fight.

The nation of Italy, however, was not actually beaten by the United States and its allies. The Italians knew that they were going to lose the fight. Once they started losing, instead of getting beaten soundly and losing their sovereignty and control of their nation, they overthrew their leader, Mussolini. They then joined the Americans against Germany. To protect their self-worth of being Italians, they supported the strongest and most powerful nation.

If I asked Italians about the war, their response would be that the Americans couldn’t have won without their help. They would say that if they hadn’t switched sides in 1943 and begun to fight with the Allies, the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) would have won. Yeah, really!

My brother Cory will never let me beat him and lose his own sovereignty (supreme power and authority as my older brother). He will never acknowledge me as his True Messenger and one who knows more than he does.

Cory must be a patriotic American and support the United States of America. He must be a member of God’s only true church upon Earth. He must believe that the LDS/Mormon people are a righteous people who keep the statutes and judgments of the Lord and all His commandments. He must believe that I have judged them and that I am wrong and am following the devil. Cory must remained convinced that he is right and that I am wrong or he will lose all the self-worth and value he has received as compensation for working for the god of this world.

My mentors wrote a story about Cory, me, and my other brothers … sort of. Their story is perfectly exemplified in my own life. They told a story about four brothers, Laman (Mike), Lemuel (Cory), Nephi (Christopher) and Sam (Jody). Nephi came to know the Real Truth™ about all things. Laman and Lemuel mocked their younger brother for his claims. Sam remained a silent supporter of his elder brother, Nephi, his entire life.

The two eldest brothers were convinced that their church and the members of their church were righteous. They were sure that their younger brother, who thought he was called by God to lead them away from the Church, was a manipulator, deceiver, and had judged the Church wrongly.

Mike and Cory would say, “And we know that the people who are in the land of Utah are a righteous people; for they keep the statutes and judgments of the Lord, and all his commandments, according to the law of Brigham Young; wherefore, we know that they are a righteous people; and our brother hath judged them and would lead us away if we would hearken unto his words.” (Compare 1 Nephi 17:22)

If given the chance, they would have beat me up and supported me being arrested and jailed when our father made his attempt. If Jody would have actually supported me, Mike and Cory would have disowned Jody too.

More than once, my dad, Mike, and Cory told me that I was dead to them. Yep, they killed me in their minds. They had to. I could not be right or they would be wrong. If I am right, then their religion is one of the most deceptive and destructive psychological forces responsible for much of the division and meanness of this world.

Isn’t it mean to tell gay people that they are disobeying God and that they will suffer eternal hell outside of an eternal family unit, if they do not repent of having homosexual relations? Isn’t it mean to tell people that they cannot belong to an eternal family unit, unless they go to the temple and are sealed as a family? Isn’t it mean to tell people they cannot go to the temple and be sealed as an eternal family, unless they do it the way that God wants it done—through the power of the LDS/Mormon priesthood authority?

From December 1980 to April 1982, I was in Buenos Aires, Argentina, being mean to the Argentinian people. I was serving an LDS/Mormon mission, telling everyone that I could that their religion was wrong and of the devil. I claimed that they needed to repent, be baptized a Mormon, and pay 10% of their income. I told them to stop drinking alcohol and coffee, attend church every Sunday, and accept that God only talks to the President and Prophet of the LDS/Mormon Church and to no other. I preached to them that they needed to prepare themselves to go to God’s temple and receive the saving ordinances, along with many other things. I insisted that they must change their ways as I prescribed or they would suffer in hell and lose their families.

That was just downright mean!

When I got to Argentina in February 1981, I was greeted by our mission president, Joseph L. Bishop. President Bishop was one of the most successful mission presidents of his day. During one of my first mission conferences, President Bishop praised the missionaries for all of our baptisms. He actually said at the conference, “You’re making me look good in Salt Lake City!” Yeah, really!

Bishop was only my mission president for a few months. He was so successful in Buenos Aires that shortly after he returned to Utah, the church general authorities would ask him to write a book called, The Making of a Missionary. Bishop became the president of the Missionary Training Center (MTC), where all new missionaries went before they are sent into the missionary field.

I spent eight weeks in the MTC. There, we were taught how to be mean to others, cut down other religions, and tell people they were going to hell, because they were following the devil … but in a nice, politically correct way. Yeah, really!

Although I saw President Bishop as somewhat of an arrogant leader, he seemed to be in the class of all the other LDS general authorities. Who was I, as a young missionary, to question him, or question God for placing him where God needed him to be. Luckily for me, a very humble Wendell Hall would replace Bishop. President Hall was the exact opposite of President Bishop—simple, not physically attractive or overbearing, and just a very nice man.

And more luck for me, the Falklands War broke out between Argentina and Great Britain in April of 1982. Before the war broke out, I came to know the family de Olexen of Paso del Rey, Barrio Asuncion, Moreno (“Facundo Quiroga 1372” was their actual street address).

I wasn’t mean to them. I couldn’t be mean to them. I did not teach the Olexen family anything about God’s church. The mother, Estefania Piotroski de Olexen (“Fany”) became my best friend. Until I met Patricia Ward in California in 2002, I saw Fany as the epitome of the most wonderful human being I had ever known.

Fany’s daughter, Alicia, was one of the most incredible girls I had ever met. I cannot explain how good, pure, and outrightly wonderful both Fany and Alicia were. Her father and two brothers, Ricardo and Fabian, were also wonderful people.

As ironic as it might seem, I had met an incredible family, and not one time was I ever inspired to teach them the Gospel of Jesus Christ, according to the LDS/Mormon Church. I just couldn’t be mean to them.

Fany owned a small vegetable and fruit stand at her home. She had a list of a lot of poor people who owed her money. The Olexens were very poor. But I had never met a woman with the sense of humor and as kind and strong as Fany Olexen.

Later in life, I sent Fany as much money as I could every month so that she would use it to pay off the credit purchases she was owed by those poorer than she. When it was discovered that I was sending money to the Olexen family in Argentina, oh, my, the rumors began. Many believe that I had sex with Alicia while on my mission, resulting in a child … and that’s why I was sending money to Argentina all those years. Yeah, really!

There’s no doubt I fell in love with the Olexen family. There’s no doubt I thought Alicia was one of the best girls I could possibly have as a wife. I wanted to take her back to the United States after my mission; but I did not have sex with her. She was fifteen years old. What I did do was promise her that I would come back for her.

When the Falklands War broke out, the United States sided with England. Our proselyting was reduced and we were told not to go out into the streets and expose ourselves to the hatred that the Argentinians began to have for Americans. About that time, I was assigned a Greenie Companion (brand new missionary).

Unable to preach openly, and restricted in our activities, I decided to take my new companion to see the Olexen family … yes, not only so I could see Fany, but Alicia too. I left my companion with the other family members and isolated myself with Alicia, which was against the rules. Yes, we kissed; but that was all. I don’t think my companion ever saw me kiss Alicia, but he knew I liked her a lot.

Long story short, my Greenie wrote home about my “affair” with Alicia. His parents told the Church authorities, and they contacted President Hall. I was summoned to the mission headquarters in Buenos Aires.

Now, here’s where it gets eerily weird. While I was waiting for my meeting with the President, not really knowing exactly what was happening, the phone rang at the mission headquarters. No one was available to answer, so I did.

“Hola. Las oficinas de la Mision Norte,” I said.

“I need to get a hold of Elder Chris Nemelka,” my father’s voice boomed over the phone.

“Dad?” I responded incredulously.

“What do you think you are doing? You don’t date girls as a missionary!” he yelled … yeah, yelled.

My dad proceeded to tell me that he was contacted by Church authorities who were concerned about my dating a girl. He angrily filled me in on the lies he was told by Church authorities. I assured him that the information was not correct and that I was seeing a girl, but nothing bad happened. (Well, to the Mormon God, kissing a girl while you’re on your mission is bad.) I promised Dad I would behave from that time on.

I entered President Hall’s office and ripped on him for assuming that I was having an affair with a girl. In turn he ripped on me for dragging a new missionary to the Olexen home so that I could see a girl. I told him everything that had happened between Alicia and me, and he was satisfied that no harm was done.

At this time, the LDS/Mormon Church had just announced that missionaries would now serve one-and-a-half-year missions, instead of two. I hadn’t quite reached the 18 months when the fiasco with Alicia happened. Because we couldn’t do much missionary work anyway due to the war, President Hall and I discussed me leaving earlier with an honorable release. It was probably the best because I still wanted to see Alicia. President Hall arranged for me to leave a month early.

Now here’s the greatest irony of all:

While the LDS/Mormon leaders were worried about one of their missionaries kissing a girl in Argentina, MTC President Joseph L. Bishop was calling young sister missionaries into his office and sexually assaulting them. Yeah, really!

I became the True Messenger and Author and Proprietor of The Sealed Portion, after the true God had chosen me. The “Three Nephites” and “John the Beloved” chose me over every other LDS/Mormon priesthood holder, even over every general authority of the Church. Therefore, the Church leadership had no choice but to make me out to be a monster, unworthy of church membership. They had to make it appear that there was a reason why the devil was able to enter into and possess my soul on June 16 1987—I kissed a girl …

And I liked it.

This was never the way I planned
Not my intention

Lost my discretion
It’s not what, I’m used to
Just wanna try you on
I’m curious for you
Caught my attention

You girls are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain’t no big deal, it’s innocent

I kissed a girl and I liked it.

Cory never went on a mission. His son, Cory David, Jr. never went on a mission.

Cory is destined to go to the Celestial kingdom where he will join our father in his eternal family unit.

But, because I kissed a girl on my mission, I’m going to hell.

Now, that’s just mean!